well, that's all about toilets.
it's so goddamn hot here in new york. it's way cooler in the philippines. and for some weird reason, i'm really lonely. i guess i just got used to having all these people in the house all time or at least hearing people around the house. but i'm glad to be around more familiar people/hearing familiar voices and for once speaking to someone who's closer to my level of english (although of course, no one really is that close to MY level of english). well, i'm going to go do stuff other than unpack/put things away because...there are so many other things to do!
--Calamity Jane
hk_newbie said...
Wow! An obsession with toilets too?! Jane is like the perfect girl!
And what are these bidet-like functions? Are you referring to the jet of water that shoots out and hits a bull's eye on...umm...you know: there.
The_Consultant said...
Thats right newbie, it shoots you right in the face.
I have never used a bidet, but its hard for me to believe it would do even a half as job of getting one clean. Think about how much effort it takes with your arm and there is way more force backing up your arm.
The Salvage Bar said...
I was just at the hospital to visit my cousin's new baby, and I noticed that the toilets have a huge L-shaped valve over the bowl that sprays water directly down in order to sink floaters.
Also, I linked to you guys at my blog at The Salvage Bar.
calamityJANE said...
yeah. i've never used a bidet. but i think it might do a pretty good job. although i don't think having a "jet of water" shoot you in the "face" is really the image we should be thinking of here. (i mean, that would just be weird...and i think, unpleasant. although humorful.)
a bidet is more like a sink...except the water comes out at an angle instead of straight down. so you place your bottom in the sink, turn the bidet on and it's like a shower for your buttcrack!
i don't know if ryan's ever mentioned an old filipino tool called a "tabo" but it's similar to that. except a tabo is really just like a large ladle that you fill with water and then pour the water onto yourself in the place that you want to clean. so i guess it's like a manual bidet. man, i should write and illustrate a manual!
hk_newbie said...
" Thats right newbie, it shoots you right in the face."
LOL! I fell out of my chair laughing. I swear to god!
I think this is the first time i've ever had a conversation about tiolets...and for some reason, i feel strangely fulfilled.