(HINT: Click on the picture so you can read the text!)
And a list of the most commonly used excuses when I ask any remotely attractive chick out (is there some secret forum for excuses women use when they don't want to think of something even slightly believable--Jane, fill me in please):
"I'm doing my laundry tonight. And the next night. And the next."
"I have a...hair...appointment" (There's usually a minute-long pause between each ellipses. That's a full minute of disgust directed my way, baby! But hey, it's eye contact!)
"My restraining order against you hasn't expired yet" (Typically followed by a routine pepper-spraying. Actually, I'm slowly becoming immune to the typical capiscum solution, so you (this is a generic "you" referencing the entire female gender) might want to consider switching pepper-spray types every so often)
Ah, yes. I'm a player.
calamityJANE said...
HAHA. great strip.
well, think of it this way:
if a girl were to use a believable excuse then you might think that she legitamitely has something to do and you can ask her out another time. but if she gives you something lame then it saves both you and her the embarassment of you asking her again. at least she isn't stringing you along.
there was something else i wanted to add but i think i forgot it because i decided it sounded too motherly. something like