Gaze in wonder children, upon one of the greatest inventions ever to come down our way since , well, since the vasectomy (but far less invasive).
Is it not beautiful? This little doo-dad actually VULCANIZES your baby-makin'-device with a latex spray and pretty much eliminates any chances for reproduction or disease-transference.
Sure, you could just bust out a regular, old, boring condom; tear the packaging in the heat of the moment; figure out which side has the lube and which side doesn't and then take it off anyway because the damn thing isn't large enough for your MASSIVE MEMBER (I have this problem all the time) or you could be a total, technologically-savvy bad-ass and stuff your junk into what amounts to a portable shrink-wrapping device with racing decals and refillable cartridges. It's basically one-size-fits-all too, so you're guaranteed a perfect fit each time.
Recommended ages are 18 to 40 (Cause old person sex is gross and hopefully doesn't exist).
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
12:59 PM - The greatest invention ever
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